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Holbrook Hotel

"Veridia has been looking after us reliably - whatever you need, anything."

Meet Nick Jobson.

He’s the acting General Manager at the up-and-coming destination pub in Holbrook, the Holbrook Hotel.

After a 3-and-a-half-year redevelopment, the iconic Holbrook Hotel reopened in November 2022, becoming the place where communities gather.

“It’s just something that the rest of the area is not offering. It’s becoming a destination rather than just your little country pub.”

Nick appreciates how the refurbishment showcases the pub’s history, without sacrificing the luxuries of a modern hospitality venue.

Since Nick joined the business, he’s seen the hotel push through some tough challenges with staff shortages.

“The hospitality industry in general, there’s a shortage of staff post COVID with work visas and skilled migration being limited… People don’t like working weekends and nights, and it’s not your normal nine to five job.”

Nick recalls meeting Veridia early into his time at the Holbrook Hotel.

He says,

“I think it was a Tuesday in my second week in Holbrook, and… Matthew and Justin pulled up in their car and handed me a card, and they wanted to come and have a chat. And then Matthew was very persistent. He came in about a week later and saw us again and since then, Veridia has been looking after us reliably – whatever you need, anything.”

Veridia’s responsiveness is what Nick most values –

“One Saturday, Matthew got a phone call at 5:30 in the evening, when he was at home on his day off. We needed pizza boxes for dinner service because we ended up doing nearly 400 for dinner. Matthew dropped them in while I was sitting at the hospital with one of our apprentices – Veridia was willing to go above and beyond.”

Veridia’s on the side of new Australian businesses like the Holbrook Hotel. To learn more about the range we supply to pubs, contact us here.

Other Veridia Stories.


Jo Carruthers, owner of Riverina Wholesale Bakery, says Veridia gives them “options [they] were never given before.”


Scott Clapham, catering manager at the upscale Wagga RSL club, is pleased with Veridia’s service – “At the drop of a hat, they will be here.”


Richard Sanders, the health and safety manager at Enirgi Power Storage and Recycling, brought Veridia on board to sort out supply problems.

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