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3 Ways to Drive Public Engagement

Veridia Willows Nursing Home

There’s never been a more important time for aged care homes to engage with the general public.

Due to negative press coverage resulting from the current Royal Commission, less than 20% of all Australians trust Aged Care Industry players. Unfortunately, all homes, both the good and the bad, suffer as a result of this perception.

We’ve put together some tips on how to proactively drive public engagement with your brand and facility or facilities.

The single most important thing you can do is…. (Drum Roll)

Tell stories.

I’ll repeat that. Tell stories.

Of what?

Your people!

Our Nursing homes are a treasure trove of rich history and stories. Every resident holds a lifetime of experiences.

You could be surprised – Perhaps you might discover an brave WW2 digger or a champion Olympic sportswoman in your midst.

Celebrate your residents and you’ll demonstrate that you care for your residents as an individual with a unique identity.

Another great source of stories lies with in your employees. By sharing the stories of people involved in the direct care of residents, you’ll add another dimension to your brand – people trust people.

So share their stories!


Your partnerships and events.

Build local grassroots partnerships and celebrate it! Local partnerships will bring a sense of community and the zest of life to your home. Share pictures and videos as your residents are able to enjoy connections with people and volunteers of these groups.

Ideas for such partnerships include:

  • Intergenerational Programs – Partner with local childcare centres and schools who are looking to engender respect for the elderly into their pupils. Intergenerational Programs work wonders for the elderly, often taking them back to their former role as a parent or role model.
  • Talent Groups – who doesn’t love a bit of tap dance on a Saturday afternoon? Liven up your home with the local dance group, orchestra or choir.
  • Faith and Volunteer Groups – these groups can play a massive role in the well being of your resident. Welcome them with open arms.


Your facility.

Show us inside. While this is largely achieved through telling stories, its important to be honest in doing so. Nothing puts any one off, more than a glossy inauthentic picture perfect story/photo/ad that is designed to hide the truth.

Your marketing should show a window into your organization, rather than being an impressive sign on display.

Take us on a tour of your facility. Share pictures of every day life. And take us behind the scenes. Show us the kitchen team preparing lunch. The laundry. The housekeeping bay.

Transparency builds trust.


Best way to share your stories?


The number one media is social media such as Facebook and Instagram, due to their widespread use and low cost.

Other effective ways include:

  • Posting via a blog on your website.
  • Publishing in local publications and newspapers.

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