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A Guide to Consumable Procurement

A Guide to Consumable Procurement
There’s no easy solution to consumable procurement in any industry..

There’s no easy solution to consumable procurement in any industry, but there are a few tips which will save you resources when sourcing supplies for your aged care home.

Find the balance

Order too frequently, and you’re wasting time with multiple paperwork processes. Order too infrequently and your stock holdings will be too large for the finance department’s liking.

Click here to find out how Veridia can take the hassle out of forecasting consumable order frequencies altogether.

Price, Price, Price is what its not all about.

Take a step back from any pricing proposal and examine other indirect impacts on your bottom line. Factors such as backup support service levels, the reliability and credibility of the supplier should be considered.

Streamline supply channels

While the price factor may tempt you to change suppliers, unless a significant saving or unique product feature is available, this may not be the best option.

Multiple and changing suppliers will have far reaching negative impacts throughout your organisation. Think quality variances, product identification issues, unregulated delivery schedules and additional paperwork to complete. Where possible stick with a key trusted supplier for each supply area.

Streamline your product range

This is easier said than done when you are managing multiple sites and personnel with different product preferences. However, where possible, gain agreement to key product variants to allow you to boost your volume, and ultimately your buying power.

Reduce usage variances

Uh oh.

The kitchen is out of large gloves. Again.

Usage variance from period to period is the common enemy of all inventory control specialists. How to predict those troughs and peaks?

Whilst you can’t control all the factors, implementing usage standards will help you to more accurately forecast usage. Post signage in key areas that outline recommended usage quantities. For example, every hand wash should consume one pump of hand soap, one pump of sanitiser and three hand towel leaflets.

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