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How Much Does Toilet Paper Cost?

Toilet Paper
One hygiene consumables cost that’s commonly overlooked in aged care facilities is toilet paper.

Bulk supplies of single rolls seem the most cost-effective procurement of toilet paper… but what if you could save more money with another buying method? 

The Total Cost of Hygiene Consumables 

Did you see our other posts in this series? Here’s a quick rundown on the concept.

Extensive research in residential aged care has shown us that total cost has three influencing factors:

  • Product
  • Setup
  • Practices

Dosage Hand Hygiene Total Cost

This series aims to show you how total cost works, using simple hygiene consumables case studies.

Total Cost of Toilet Paper 

We pulled this case study straight from a site analysis of a large aged care facility on the south coast of New South Wales. 

This site had no toilet paper dispensers, instead relying on single roll holders. Staff also placed another roll to the side for when the current roll ran out. 

Seems mundane and insignificant, doesn’t it? 

Not when you find out that using an alternative product would save the facility $2,783 annually.  

Here’s how. 

Cost Calculations 

First, let’s set up some numbers.  

A regular toilet roll has 44m of toilet paper wrapped around its cardboard core. 

The alternative coreless rolls have 100m of paper each, and two fit in the recommended dispenser. 

One assumption made for this calculation is: 

6.84 metres of toilet paper used per day per resident (based on common toilet paper sheet usage numbers), with 10 residents to each toilet location, making 68.4 metres used per day. 

  Price  (ea)  Length (m)  #  Total Length (m)  Cost by m  Annual cost (ea) 
Regular  $1.12  44  88  1.27c  $316.20 
Coreless  $2.25  100  200  1.25c  $311.22 

We’ve got a small saving of $4.98 for every replacement of two rolls, annually. 

But there’s more. 

toilet paper cost analysis

Time Cost Calculations 

For this calculation, we’re assuming:  

  • average time taken to replace toilet paper = 10 seconds 
  • required annual changes = 52 (weekly) 
  • baseline wage = $25.00 per hour. 
  • 1 change = replacing 2 coreless rolls in a dispenser, and 1 regular roll on a holder 
  • number of locations requiring toilet paper = 174 

(The assumptions above are based on the case study, or on averages from the aged care homes we’ve analysed.) 

  Total Length (m)  Weekly Changes (per location)  Locations  Change time  Annual changes 
Regular  88  5.44  174  10s  49,221.12 
Coreless  200  2.39  174  10s  21,624.72 
  Annual time (s)  Annual time (h)  Wage per hour  Annual time cost  Annual total cost 
Regular  492,211  136.73  $25.00  $3,418.13  $58,436.93 
Coreless  216,247  60.07  $25.00  $1,501.72  $55,654.00 

Dispensed, coreless toilet paper resulted in over $2,700 in savings for the facility, in an area that few people would regard as costly. See our proofs here. 

Factor in more than 60 hours of extra staff time (which could be spent on direct care) and the savings grow exponentially. 

The key takeaways from this case study are: 

  • Total cost is transformed by factors like dispenser capacity (for this example, the length of a toilet roll) and annual refills needed. 
  • The cost of staff time is the most expensive item on your budget – don’t let it be spent on replacing toilet rolls. 

When you’re running a cost analysis, make sure you’ve got all the information you need to make the right decision. Otherwise, you could be unwittingly hurting your facility’s bottom line. 

With the exacting standards of hygiene required in aged care, this cost analysis can be applied across all single-use products.  

How much time are your staff spending on restocking toilet paper, gloves, masks, or soap cartridges?  

Veridia’s Site Survey provides efficiency benchmarking and analysis. 
Reach out to us below for more information. 

Do you want
to know more?

Reach out one of our Specialists for a time cost analysis.

* Proofs 

  Price  Length (m)  #  Total Length (m)  Cost by m  Annual cost (ea) 
Regular  b x 2 = c  a/c = d  d x 68.4 x 7 x 52 = e 
Coreless  y x 2 = x  z/x = v  v x 68.4 x 7 x 52 = u 

  Total Length (m)  Weekly Changes (per location)  Locations  Change time (s)  Annual changes 
Regular  (68.4 x 7)/c = f  174  10  f x 174 x 52 = g 
Coreless  (68.4 x 7)/x = t  174  10  t x 174 x 52 = s 
  Annual time (s)  Annual time (h)  Wage per hour  Annual time cost  Annual total cost 
Regular  g x 10 = h  (h/60)/60 = i  $25.00  i x 25 = j  j + (e x 174) = k 
Coreless  s x 10 = r  (r/60)/60 = q  $25.00  q x 25 = p  p + (u x 174) = o 

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