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What is the Role of an Aged Care Consultant?

Aged Care Consultant

New quality standards have been implemented by the Australian Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission. All government-funded aged care facilities must meet these standards, and privately-owned aged care centres are strongly encouraged to meet these standards, too.

One of the key takeaways from the updated quality standards is that the aged care service environment needs to be safe, clean and well-maintained. Acknowledging safety and cleanliness as top priorities is one thing, but actually putting the proper procedures and compliance checks in place is another. That’s where Veridia’s aged care consulting services can make a difference. Keep reading to learn more about our trusted aged care hygiene consults.

What Aged Care Consultants Do 

Let’s start with what an aged care consultant does. As a knowledgeable industry professional, your aged care hygiene consultant will conduct a meticulous site analysis, checking current systems, supplies and standards. From there, they will develop smart solutions to meet regulatory compliance and improve performance within the facility.

Why Aged Care Consulting is Important 

Aged care labour and hygiene standards go hand in hand. Facilities need enough qualified staff to complete the cleaning and sanitising checklist every day. Aged care consulting takes all these factors into account, from staff requirements to supply stock and cleaning instructions. The best aged care consultant will help you maximise operational efficiency, improve stock management and prioritise compliance.

What to Look for in an Aged Care Consultant

When it comes to aged care consulting, you need a qualified consultant with a unique understanding of aged care chemical systems and compliance. Some of the top qualities to consider before deciding on an aged care hygiene consultant include:

  • Experience: how many years have they been in business? Do they focus primarily on aged care with specialist knowledge, or is their experience more general?
  • Process: does the consultant clearly outline each step of their service, from the site analysis to business reports and insights? Do they provide continuing education and end-to-end services as well?
  • Accreditation: what are their qualifications? Do they offer accreditation education or just a brief overview? What do other facilities say about working with them?

Why Choose Veridia Aged Care Consulting 

Aged care consultancy is a specialised area, and one that should be taken very seriously. Veridia is proud of our long-time partnerships with leaders in Australia’s aged care sector, offering comprehensive solutions for facilities nationwide.

Our knowledge and expertise give facilities the edge for meeting quality standards and demonstrating compliance. We can recommend hygiene solutions to improve aged care bathroom cleanliness and infection control and offer end-to-end services to streamline the entire process.

Contact Australia’s Aged Care Bathroom & Kitchen Hygiene Consultants  

Have questions about changes in regulatory requirements? Ready to better understand aged care labour requirements to ensure quality standards are met? A dedicated aged care and hygiene consultant can help enhance cleanliness and compliance across your facility.

Contact Veridia today to discuss aged care chemical systems and consultancy to improve facility cleaning and sanitisation.

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